Wednesday, October 3, 2012

More than 44?

Edited 11/23/12 ..

The USA won't be having a 45th President if the Bible agenda has been laid out
the way I see it. Noah's Ark was carried away after the names of Enoch2, Methuselah, Lamech2, Noah -- same pattern as in Bush41, Clinton, Bush43, and Obama.

The 44th Book of the Bible is "The ACTS of the Apostles" which many have noted that it lacks a specific ending, and may symbolically be continuing with updates on the works of the Holy Spirit, even unto this 21st Century!

The Old Testament number 22 has special emphasis in the Old Testament; not just the acrostic poetry with number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet, but also the Generation of Jacob, and especially the number of Kings in the dynasty of David.

Double numbers as multiple of eleven are found throughout scripture; not
just the 33 generations to David, or the 66 books from Genesis to Revelation,
and the 'doubled' itself leads to our expectation that the 22 of the
leads surreptitiously to the 44 of the NT.

Read "The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn, ca 2011, for how the USA is a type of the (New) Promised Land linking George Washington's first inauguration with the dedication of the Temple of Solomon. Also "The Light and the Glory" by Peter Marshall, for an understanding of how Columbus believed he was on a mission on behalf of the Holy Spirit.

Genesis 41:32 "And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because
the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass".

Isa61:7 "For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion they shall
rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double:
everlasting joy shall be unto them".

Just because Elisha did twice the miracles of Elijah may be an innuendo
leading to the comparison of the 22 Kings of David's line with the 44 Presidents of the USA!
Now that Obama has been elected to a 2nd term,
we'll have four more years to test whether this theory stands, or not!

Counting the kings is not as easy as it sounds -- do we count the first three who
reigned over all 12 Tribes; and what about Saul who wasn't of the Tribe of Judah?

Daniel 6:2 KJV "And over these three presidents; of whom Daniel was first: that the princes might give accounts unto them, and the king should have no damage". (The word 'presidents' probably won't be found in other versions of the Bible..)


Monday, August 27, 2012

Dietary Vision

Bacon w your Eggs?

Life-changing Experiences:

For Paul it was on the Road to Damascus, and for Peter on a housetop in Joppa where 3 men came to lead him to Cornelius; like the 3 men as one Lord came to Abraham and Sarah (Gen18) to tell them Sarah would be having a baby!

Peter had been a devout Jew who observed the dietary laws, but the Great Sheet Vision allowed him to eat with Gentiles, and perhaps have bacon & eggs for the first time!

Noah somehow knew to tell the difference between the clean and unclean animals going into the Ark, and now Peter's visit to Cornelius, Acts10:9, led to the beginning of the Times of the Gentiles. So GOD knew about the Jews and the Gentiles right from the get-go!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Rape or Incest ?


Horrific subject, eh? As bad or worse than 'abortion'? Did we think this subject was SIMPLE?

Rolls trippingly off the tongue, but involves high priced lawyers, and some doctors as well. Gets us to thinking of forcible and statutory, of consensual and enticing, because all rape or incest is not the same, and the topic means different things to people, based on their personal knowledge and experience.

The baby is not at fault in any way, in the he said/she said dispute, but the baby will suffer by being unwanted, if indeed the baby is allowed to live.

The parents will suffer by having their lives disrupted by the unwanted baby. Oops! Maybe shouldn't have done that!

Allowing abortion in case of rape/incest provides a loop-hole for anyone who has decided against having the baby; not even to offer for adoption.

The lawyers and doctors may have a hay-day! The Rapist may actually serve jail time, or be let off the hook to do it again!

King David had a son who raped his own sister, 2Sam13, so this crime has been around for a long time, and always with contention. Amnon had raped Tamar in despicable manner, followed by his own execution at the hands of his brother Absalom, in a manner suggestive of Italian Mafia Style. In years past it led to 'shotgun weddings' when the father of the girl collared the boyfriend after it was discovered she was pregnant.

Even before that, in Gen34, it happened to the sister of the twelve sons of Jacob, and possibly could have been settled amicably (when the boy wanted to marry her), except that two of her brothers were outraged and so bent on avenging their sister that they murdered an entire town!

Now that the Bible has been excluded from our schools and government, this present generation has faith only for Society and their own ability to see them through difficult times. We have all sorts of 'Religious Institutions', and a few who still follow the Scripture, but unless the coming generation is somehow given the Truth of God's Word, it will all be going up in smoke, very shortly. 2Pet3:10.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

From Peter to Paul

The Book of Acts begins with Peter as the chief spokesman of the twelve, but his authority diminishes gradually as the Apostle Paul takes over. As John the Baptist said about Jesus: "He must increase, but I must decrease". The Old Testament precept from 2Sam3:1,10, spoke of how the House of David was increasing, but the House of Saul was declining. Note the pattern of Peter/Paul.

Contrast and compare Peter with Paul: (Book of Acts)

1. Peter was freed from jail by an angel: 12:6. For Paul it was an earthquake: 16:25.

2. Notable healing by Peter was lame man of 3:2. For Paul it was the cripple of 14:9.

3. Peter raised Tabitha from dead: 9:36. For Paul it was Eutychus: 20:9

4. Compare the "shadow of Peter", 5:15, with the "handkerchief of Paul", 19:12.

5. Peter was special minister to the Jews. Paul to the Gentiles. Galatians 2:7.

6. Peter denied Jesus three times. Mk14:30. God denied Paul thrice. 2Cor12:8.

7. Paul ministered to Aquila & Priscilla: Acts18:2. Peter 'ministered' to Ananias & fits the pattern of "first the male, and then the female", Acts5 -- "3 hours later".

8. Peter was sent to Cornelius (first Gentile). 10:45. Paul went to Rome: 28:28. (not Peter!)

9. Paul wrote "be ye no more children", Eph4:14. Peter wrote "as obedient children.." 1Pet1:14.

10. Count their speeches: Peter has seven, and Paul has eight. Or thereabouts.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Wives for Benjamin

Wouldn't it be great if we were given the sense to understand?

Nehemiah 8:8 So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading. 8:12 And all the people went their way to eat, and to drink, and to send portions, and to make great mirth, because they had understood the words that were declared unto them.

The curious story in the final chapters of Judges finds all of the other tribes united in battle against Benjamin who has protected the homosexuals, until it develops that the women of Benjamin are so decimated that the other tribes have an unexplained change of heart and now seem bent on finding wives for the remaining men. Read this story keeping in mind that the Holy Spirit has been sent by the Lord to find "wives" for Him, and that the wedding banquet may be next on the agenda.

Judg21:6 And the children of Israel repented them for Benjamin their brother, and said, There is one tribe cut off from Israel this day. Judg21:7 How shall we do for wives for them that remain, seeing we have sworn by the LORD that we will not give them of our daughters to wives?

Benjamin's name means "Son of the Right Hand", Gen35:18, so he's clearly a type of the One who's now seated at the right hand of the Father. The Jews reportedly saw the humor in the 700 left-handed men of the Tribe of Benjamin, without questioning why Joseph would label his baby brother a thief by planting his silver cup in Benjamin's sack. Gen44:2.

We couldn't make the connection until we read the account about Jesus saying "The cup my Father has given me, shall I not drink it?" Jn18:11. Benjamin in Egypt got an actual literal cup from his big brother (the Trinity doctrine plays a part here), but the true Son of the Right Hand was given a poetic or spiritual cup by his Heavenly Father.

It was Abraham who dispatched a servant to find a wife for Isaac, and located Rebekah in a remarkable way when she offered to water his camels. Gen24.

Isa61:10 "I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels".

God took a rib from Adam to provide him a wife, and ever since Pentacost the Holy Spirit has been here looking for wives for the Bridegroom. Perhaps he's 'ribbing us' to provide a wife for the Second Adam? You think?

Now guess who thinks they can re-define marriage? Not 'Oh My God' (OMG), but rather OMG Obama Must Go!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

King of Tyrus

Ezek28:12 "Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. 13: Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created".

This may have been the way Eve saw the serpent, perhaps like many today see him in red pajamas and pitchfork. You think?

The 2 Great Lights on Day Four are seen differently after Jesus declared he was the Light of the World, and that "he and his Father were one", John10:30.

The Tree of Life was in Eden too, but maybe Adam hadn't mentioned it to Eve?? Was the scoundrel waiting to see if she was still alive on Day Two?
Anyhow, the 'trees of righteousness' are in Isa61, and refers to PEOPLE as the Planting of the Lord.

It isn't only beavers which eat trees -- Zacchaeus climbed the sycamore like others climb mountains, and those who don't climb the Tree of Life with its 66 branches are in for a rude awakening someday. This theme from the early chapters of Genesis goes all the way to Revelation.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


"Lazarus, Come forth!" John 11:43. It's the numbers which make this account one of the most profound in scripture. Lazarus had been sick for "two days" yet curiously, Jesus remained where he was. When he finally did arrive at the gravesite, Lazarus had been dead for four days. The "two days" of the Old Covenant, plus the "two days" of the New Covenant add up to the entire stinketh time. Remember, it's on this one specific occasion that Jesus said "I am the resurrection and the life". Jn11:25. The fact that two persons in the Gospels are named Lazarus (both in afterlife context) only increases the significance.

Because there is no difference between the Jew and the Gentile, Rom10:12, we can see that the two covenants are really one. They were the Children, but we're [supposed to be] the reasoning Adults. They were a school teacher to bring us to Christ, who has redeemed us from the curse of the Law. Gal 3:13.

On that great day when the trumpet sounds, 1Thes4:16, we'll also hear "Lazarus, Come forth". At least figuratively.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Habeas Corpus

Rest My Case - Heb 4:9

Beyond the shadow of a doubt,
The habeas corpus you can't flout..
The White Throne Judgment is a must
and the only acquital is for the just.

The corpus dilecti is here on earth,
(he left it behind so we'd know..)
There's definitely been a crime committed,
Mankind had better look out below!

The Rulers of Darkness, had they but known,
Would never have smitten the Seed that was sown..1Cor2:8/1Pet1:23
They went and killed that innocent Lamb,
Not knowing he was surely the son of "I AM".

Two Testament witnesses will be at the trial,
(Prima facie evidence the world knows..)
His Will and Last Testament shown to the court
The INHERITANCE denied to all foes.

The principal accused is the Devil.. his
bloody head failed the DNA tests..
The many accessories to his crimes
will be known before Defense Rests: Heb4:9

The Counselor tells the Body of Christ
not to fear for the Head up above..
"Faith is the Evidence" we've been saved
and IN HIM we're walking in love.

The High Court will soon be convening..
Nobody's excused from this docket..
You'd better retain the Advocate Son
'Cause He's got the Judge in his pocket!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hearing Moses

Moses Said: Psalm 90

Moses said "Threescore & Ten" would be the years of man...
He'd seen the Burning Bush, and heard directly from I AM.
He only wrote this single psalm, we might have passed it by,
But since he lived to sixscore, we stopped to wonder "Why?".

Moses said "Threescore & Ten"; We knew a score was twenty,
The fifty years he lived beyond, we realized was plenty..
Now 20 centuries are gone, and 10 are yet ahead..
Since Jesus died at Calvary and they counted him as dead.

Moses prayed we'd learn to count the number of our days,
And how a thousand years compares, in reckoning the ways.
The "Day" of Rest is almost here: Millennium No. 7,
Six Days for Man are near complete: Time to go to heaven!

Moses said we had a choice: he advised that we choose Life..
To serve the mighty God of Love, and reject the wicked strife.
He lived to see two Jubilees; to glimpse the promised land,
Back then it wasn't time to go; there was more to understand.

Moses said we ought to hear, a prophet much like him...
Sure enough, both babies came to deliver all from sin.
One floated down the river, the other as bread from above,
God wanting us to comprehend personification of love.

Moses prayed for the people, when serpents and fire consumed,
Jesus prayed in the garden, when the death of Calvary loomed.
These two were true! If I were you, I wouldn't wait another day..
Get right with God--Be Scripture shod, and then begin to pray!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Evidence for Christianity

The Evidence for Christianity.. -- these 4 points 'for starters'.. 6/23/12

1. BookEnds. Many have judged the Bible based on their casual read of some or a few of the books (and usually judged wrong IMO), but I'm convinced that all 66 books must be read and studied. Then, comparing Genesis to Revelation, we begin to see many common threads which argues against multiple authors, and against the ideas from before the Bible was published, (but FOR the Trinitarian Holy Ghostwriter, 2Pet1:21), and his purpose in "leading us into all truth", John 16:13.

2. Tropes. The Confounding of the Language in Gen11:7 leads to the 'speaking in an unknown tongue' in Acts2. Multiple allegories and figures of speech are involved, in Bibles from many countries, yet they all tell of Adam & Eve "having their eyes opened" by 'eating', as though they were newborn puppie dogs. (The inference is that we'll 'get our eyes opened' by reading the Word of God -- by 'eating' Jesus).

The multiple metaphors used for God, Jesus, Satan, the Saints, etc, add perplexity and ambiguity, just as a mystery author like Ellery Queen leaves out details until the closing chapters. (Don't know about E.Q. faith personally, but see humanity as a very diverse species having great imagination and 'gifts')

3. Patterns. Starting with the 'powers of 3' in the alignment of 39+27, we see many Number patterns (incl. Gen41:32 & Dan8:13). The 2K period from Adam to Moses; followed by a 2K period of the LAW for the Jew, and a 2K period for the Gentile, fits the pattern of 'Six days for Mankind', when a thousand years are as one day, 2Pet3:8. This pattern also fits the 'infant/children/adult' stage of LIFE, and the Two Covenants of Gal 4:24 get their due respect, or highlight.

4. Sowing/Reaping. It's clear to me that Jesus was the Seed sown at Calvary for the purpose of raising Sons (not referring to Leaven here..), and how all that agrees with God being a 'husbandman' (as well as a husband), who 'planted Jesus in the womb and tomb' just as Joseph in Egypt planted his personal cup in his brother Benjamin's sack.
It doesn't stop there (tho I'm going to..), but God planted a garden in Genesis, and He plans a harvest in Revelation, and for me: that's Gospel!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Arks Ahoy !

Arks Ahoy!

1. That first Ark carried the animals and Noah family – why did they call it an Ark, I wondered? I’d have called it a BOAT, or maybe a floating barge or barn

2. The second Ark also traveled on the water, carrying baby Moses down the River Nile. More like a sea going baby-buggy, I thought, but still called ‘Ark’ in Exodus 2:3.

3. The third Ark (of Testimony) was built in the desert, a long way from water, and was carried on the shoulders of the Levites.

Ex:25:10 “And they shall make an ark of shittim wood: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof. 25:11 And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, within and without shalt thou overlay it, and shalt make upon it a crown of gold round about”.

This third Ark finally reached the Jordan River, led by Joshua, 3:13, but just as the feet of the priests got wet, the water divided and they had to carry it further yet. Did they wonder if all that gold would make it too heavy to float? And 3 objects were carried inside: the Tablets, the Manna, and the Rod that budded, all went along for the ride! Heb9:4

4. Not a ‘boat’, and not called an Ark, but the Virgin Mary was a ‘container’ of the Lord Jesus Christ until that great day when he was birthed in Bethlehem (means ‘house of bread’); in a manger (reminding me how suitable for the Lamb of God). And now when we follow after Galatians 4:19 “My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you”, we may all be considered “ARKS OF TESTIMONY”. Amen?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Smell a Stench ?

Babies having babies - filthy language - School homicides - Drive-by shootings - Dope addicts - Corporate Criminals - Road Rage - Sexual Perverts - identity thieves - Carjackings - Nudity - gang bangs - Cannibalism - Binge drinking - disobedient to parents - liars - thieves -

2Tim3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3:3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 3:4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God..

We've hit the iceberg and this ship is going down! They may talk about recovery, but it's not going to happen -- get ready for a wipe-out of catastrophic proportions. It will begin with a few banks failing and some customers that are no longer able to access their funds. Then those who receive checks from the government will begin to miss them. All these are just the beginning of the calamity to come because of the bo rape of the budget.

The government workers who have enjoyed lavish life-styles at the expense of taxpayers will lose their jobs, and the shoe will be on the other foot, but they're not going to take it 'laying down'. The seeds of anarchy will sprout in the major cities of America when the hunger pangs begin, and when the churches and good-will agencies have been maxed out by the unemployed. Crime will be ever increasing as police and firemen are layed off, and inflation of prices for food and supplies rises to higher and higher levels.

Get ready, America, for desperate days ahead, because you've forsaken the God of the Bible and pursued the atheistic course of selfish, arrogant, and stupid paganism.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Religion Update

1. The news report about the Earthquake that happened when Jesus was crucified, is strictly garbage IMO. They're trying to clinch the debate over which day it occurred, and claiming the Bible says "Friday" in all four gospels. Bunk!

None of our days of the week are named anywhere in the Bible. Neither does the article say anything about the High Sabbath which occurs the day after Passover, and supports a Wednesday crucifixion that allows for 3 Days and 3 Nights in the sepulchre.

2. I was listening to Ed Young TV broadcast from Houston, and he was focused on the Apostle Thomas failing to 'see the light'. Usually I like the things Ed says, but this time I'm on Thomas' side -- I'm not willing to take anyone else's word for anything as important as eternal life! Even if Grandma says so, it pays to check it out for yourself, and now that the 66 Books of the Bible are complete (with the book-ends of Alpha and Omega, or Genesis and Revelation) we'll have no one to blame but ourselves if we follow after the wrong god.

2Tim1:12 For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

3. Have you heard about Chrislam? Neither had I until this Sun. morning on the Jack Van Impe show, when he was telling about the Wycliff Bible translators apparently abandoning Christianity in favor of a mix between Islam and Christianity; even proclaiming the name 'Allah' as the name of God. Evidentally the Muslims have infiltrated the Wycliff organization with their 'brotherhood' false doctrine. What a shame, but I trust the faithful "In Him" will stay true to the gospel of Galatians 1:8, as Paul wrote.
Fooey on that moroni(c) baloney, no matter which angel brings it forth.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

King Solomon

King David had wanted to build a house for God, but wasn't permitted because he had been a warring man. 1Chr22. However, he did make preparations by assembling the materials for use by his son Solomon who would be given rest from fighting his enemies.

King Solomon (also named Jedidiah in 2Sam12:25) was widely known for his wealth and wisdom and 700 wives and 300 concubines -- so many women we greatly question his kind of wisdom. Instead of many children, as we would expect, only one son (Rehoboam), and two daughters, 1K4:11,15, according to scripture. The name 'Jedidiah' in Hebrew, corresponds to the name 'Theophilus' in Greek; used twice in the New Testament by Luke the physician.

Seen as an allegory, Solomon is representing our incredibly diversified wise GOD and multiple bridegroom, with the ONE special Son! Just as David stored the materials for building that Special Temple; so We have God's Word to provide for building our own personal temple. And, just as Solomon initially followed the Lord, but later became unfaithful, so our own nation began with "In God We Trust", but now has turned towards paganism or many gods.

The Lord had told David: "Behold, a son shall be born to thee, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from all his enemies round about: for his name shall be Solomon, and I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in his days. He shall build a house for my name; and he shall be my son, and I will be his father ; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever." 1Chr22:9,10.

Curiously (seems to me), Solomon later "did evil', worshipping other gods and marrying many women,and that 12 Tribe Kingdom divided into a 10/2 split after his only son, Rehoboam, began to reign. 1Kings11.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bread for 'The Body'

1. In Genesis, it was Joseph who “gathered corn as the sand of the sea”, Gen41:49, to supply bread for those desperate due to the famine.

2. Then, the Manna came from heaven (means: what is it?), and they wondered what it was and what to do with it.

3. Now Jesus ‘the Living Bread’ has come, and now Paul writes that we are “one bread”, 1Cor10:17, so…. If we anticipate rising to meet Him in the air: “Christ within you”, Col 1:27, is the new (hidden) leaven, Matt13:33, that will make it happen!!

The word ‘cornbread’ is never used, and many of us know it as a flat bread sometimes called ‘johnny-cake’. The “bread of affliction”, Isa30:20, wouldn’t taste nearly as good. Bread and meat in the KJV usually connotes a figure of speech for food.


Friday, May 11, 2012


The "walk", according to scripture, is a kind of spiritual adhesive for all the books of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

walk in INTEGRITY - Ps26:11 - walk UPRIGHTLY - Ps84:11 - walk in TRUTH - Ps86:11 - walk in LIGHT - Isa2:5 - walk in THE WAY - Isa30:21 - walk after the SPIRIT - Rom8:4 - walk HONESTLY - Rom13:13 - walk by FAITH - 2Cor5:7 - walk in the SPIRIT - Gal 5:25 - walk WORTHY - Eph4:1 - walk in LOVE - Eph5:2 - walk in WISDOM - Col 4:5 - walk in the LIGHT - 1Jn1:7 - walk in WHITE - Rev3:4

Enoch and Noah "walked with God"; ..Isaiah "walked naked and barefoot", and Jacob's WALK would surely have been changed after he wrestled the 'angel' (epiphany or precept, Hos12:4) and had his thighbone 'touched'. But, of course those were the times before the scripture was completed, and Isaiah wouldn't have known to put on the spiritual armor or shoes of the preparation of the gospel. Eph6:17.

If you've made bad decisions in the past and are suffering the consequences, the secularists will say "you made your bed and you'll have to lie in it". Bible scholars will say "the way of the transgressor is hard", but Jesus says: "Take up your bed and WALK", Jn5:8. You CAN become a new creature in Christ Jesus!

"For we walk by faith, not by sight", 2Cor5:7

The ultimate walk, of course, is when Jesus walked on water! Having your feet washed by Jesus, and Walking on the water of The Word is what we all need to do!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Are you dressed to go to heaven? Are you wearing shoes to match?
Have you thought about what happens if the bride's bouquet you catch?
You'll have to kill the "old man" with the wicked heart of sin..
And let the story of the Christ bring out the hidden man within.

Not many know about the unique Joseph coat,
With many different colors worthy of our note...
His father made it for him, this garment highly prized,
And then his brothers tore it, so we'd begin to realize...

The garment God gave Jesus was a body "dipped in blood",
So the wicked acts of Satan would be surely "nipped in bud".
Any whosoever now, regardless of their race..
Can wear a Robe of Righteousness if they'll fall upon their face.

Are you dressed to go to heaven? Is the Garment of Praise a fit?
Warriors wear the Armor of God, and a smile that will not quit.
Some say you'll go there naked, just the way you came to earth...
But when I get that picture, I know why heaven's filled with mirth!

The Parable of how The Sower Sows the Seed is found in Mark 4, Luke8, and Matthew 13 -- each book having details not used by the others, so that it requires reading of all four gospels to learn about "the rest of the story", as Paul Harvey used to say..

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit". John 12:24.
DO YOU SEE IT? Jesus IS the SEED -- He HAS been planted (in the womb and in the tomb..) so that His Children ("Now are we the Sons..1Pet3:2) can be Trees of Righteousness, Isa61:3, when we Eat The WORD and learn who we are In Christ.

Jesus is the Light, the Bread, the Vine, the Word, and the Incorruptible SEED, 1Pet1:23. Because GOD is a husbandman who plants things like Garden of Eden, and expects to reap a harvest as we learn in the Book of Revelation. Amen?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Tent


You have to read carefully, IMO, because the story seems to hang on so few words, and may even depend on whether you believe there’s a difference between “the tent” and “her tent”.

Briefly; an escaped fugitive seeks refuge from a woman who is ‘home alone’ and she offers him some buttermilk when he’s thirsty, and a place to sleep in the tent. We aren’t told much about his character, but he warns Jael (her name) not to reveal him to anyone who comes looking, and then goes to sleep.

Apparently he never wakes from that sleep because she takes a tent peg and hammer, and kills him!

Later, she tells the authorities what she’s done, and shows them the dead body in “her tent”.

This all happens in Judges 4 (you’ll want to read it for yourself), and leaves us with more questions than answers. Maybe he didn’t like buttermilk? Maybe she didn’t like being ordered around? Did she know him, but didn’t let on?

My understanding is that women had separate tents, based on the story in Gen31:33 about Rachel hiding the idols, and it appears to me that Sisera had only himself to blame. What do YOU think?