1. The news report about the Earthquake that happened when Jesus was crucified, is strictly garbage IMO. They're trying to clinch the debate over which day it occurred, and claiming the Bible says "Friday" in all four gospels. Bunk!
None of our days of the week are named anywhere in the Bible. Neither does the article say anything about the High Sabbath which occurs the day after Passover, and supports a Wednesday crucifixion that allows for 3 Days and 3 Nights in the sepulchre.
2. I was listening to Ed Young TV broadcast from Houston, and he was focused on the Apostle Thomas failing to 'see the light'. Usually I like the things Ed says, but this time I'm on Thomas' side -- I'm not willing to take anyone else's word for anything as important as eternal life! Even if Grandma says so, it pays to check it out for yourself, and now that the 66 Books of the Bible are complete (with the book-ends of Alpha and Omega, or Genesis and Revelation) we'll have no one to blame but ourselves if we follow after the wrong god.
2Tim1:12 For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.
3. Have you heard about Chrislam? Neither had I until this Sun. morning on the Jack Van Impe show, when he was telling about the Wycliff Bible translators apparently abandoning Christianity in favor of a mix between Islam and Christianity; even proclaiming the name 'Allah' as the name of God. Evidentally the Muslims have infiltrated the Wycliff organization with their 'brotherhood' false doctrine. What a shame, but I trust the faithful "In Him" will stay true to the gospel of Galatians 1:8, as Paul wrote.
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