1. BookEnds. Many have judged the Bible based on their casual read of some or a few of the books (and usually judged wrong IMO), but I'm convinced that all 66 books must be read and studied. Then, comparing Genesis to Revelation, we begin to see many common threads which argues against multiple authors, and against the ideas from before the Bible was published, (but FOR the Trinitarian Holy Ghostwriter, 2Pet1:21), and his purpose in "leading us into all truth", John 16:13.
2. Tropes. The Confounding of the Language in Gen11:7 leads to the 'speaking in an unknown tongue' in Acts2. Multiple allegories and figures of speech are involved, in Bibles from many countries, yet they all tell of Adam & Eve "having their eyes opened" by 'eating', as though they were newborn puppie dogs. (The inference is that we'll 'get our eyes opened' by reading the Word of God -- by 'eating' Jesus).
The multiple metaphors used for God, Jesus, Satan, the Saints, etc, add perplexity and ambiguity, just as a mystery author like Ellery Queen leaves out details until the closing chapters. (Don't know about E.Q. faith personally, but see humanity as a very diverse species having great imagination and 'gifts')
3. Patterns. Starting with the 'powers of 3' in the alignment of 39+27, we see many Number patterns (incl. Gen41:32 & Dan8:13). The 2K period from Adam to Moses; followed by a 2K period of the LAW for the Jew, and a 2K period for the Gentile, fits the pattern of 'Six days for Mankind', when a thousand years are as one day, 2Pet3:8. This pattern also fits the 'infant/children/adult' stage of LIFE, and the Two Covenants of Gal 4:24 get their due respect, or highlight.
4. Sowing/Reaping. It's clear to me that Jesus was the Seed sown at Calvary for the purpose of raising Sons (not referring to Leaven here..), and how all that agrees with God being a 'husbandman' (as well as a husband), who 'planted Jesus in the womb and tomb' just as Joseph in Egypt planted his personal cup in his brother Benjamin's sack.
It doesn't stop there (tho I'm going to..), but God planted a garden in Genesis, and He plans a harvest in Revelation, and for me: that's Gospel!
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