Bacon w your Eggs?
Life-changing Experiences:
For Paul it was on the Road to Damascus, and for Peter on a housetop in Joppa where 3 men came to lead him to Cornelius; like the 3 men as one Lord came to Abraham and Sarah (Gen18) to tell them Sarah would be having a baby!Peter had been a devout Jew who observed the dietary laws, but the Great Sheet Vision allowed him to eat with Gentiles, and perhaps have bacon & eggs for the first time!Noah somehow knew to tell the difference between the clean and unclean animals going into the Ark, and now Peter's visit to Cornelius, Acts10:9, led to the beginning of the Times of the Gentiles. So GOD knew about the Jews and the Gentiles right from the get-go!
A toasted ham and cheese for lunch would be nice too -- you think?