Friday, July 1, 2011

Didy Doll..

Didy Doll - Habbakuk 3:3 I made a doll from rags and straw that looked a lot like me..
I breathed the breath of Life in her, and then I set her free.
"Who are you?", she asked me, and "What am I to you?"
She had so many questions I was really in a stew.

She didn't know -- How could she? So I patiently explained,
She asked me where I came from, and I told her Brunswick, Maine.

She was doing lots of thinking, and I didn't want her drinking
'Cause changing diapers wasn't on my mind...
She didn't know from eating, so my answers were deleting of
delicious ways the body could be dined.

She only knew from talking -- very little about walking,
To speak of sex would not make sense to her...
It wouldn't be aberrant, 'cause she didn't know from parent...
I began to be quite sorry I'd created such a stir.

She didn't know -- How could she? So I patiently explained,
She asked me where I came from, and I told her Brunswick, Maine.
"Where is that?" she asked me, knowing nothing of our land,
I'd have to start at The Beginning, to make her understand.

Sincere and earnest people will ask "Where did God come from?" The flip answer is from Habakkuk 3:3 -- He came from Teman, of course. Hardly the answer they were looking for...

The Jewish culture forbade questions prior to a certain age, and we do well to listen attentively to a subject before asking questions.

It's more profitable to begin with easier questions, like "Where did Melchisedec come from?" What did he do with the tithes he received from Abraham, and where were the persons he ministered to? How large was his congregation? Was the bread & wine he served a type or precept of N.T. Communion?

I've found it helpful to compare Melchizedek to the man with the drawn sword who appeared to Joshua, and to the man who wrestled Jacob, and to the 4th man in the fiery furnace. Mysterious figures in the Old Testament (theophanies or epiphanies) who teach precepts of the diversity of Jesus: Lamb, Bread, Vine, Light, Door, Seed, Word, etc. 1 Corinthians 10:4 tells us "that Rock was Christ".

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