Monday, August 27, 2012

Dietary Vision

Bacon w your Eggs?

Life-changing Experiences:

For Paul it was on the Road to Damascus, and for Peter on a housetop in Joppa where 3 men came to lead him to Cornelius; like the 3 men as one Lord came to Abraham and Sarah (Gen18) to tell them Sarah would be having a baby!

Peter had been a devout Jew who observed the dietary laws, but the Great Sheet Vision allowed him to eat with Gentiles, and perhaps have bacon & eggs for the first time!

Noah somehow knew to tell the difference between the clean and unclean animals going into the Ark, and now Peter's visit to Cornelius, Acts10:9, led to the beginning of the Times of the Gentiles. So GOD knew about the Jews and the Gentiles right from the get-go!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Rape or Incest ?


Horrific subject, eh? As bad or worse than 'abortion'? Did we think this subject was SIMPLE?

Rolls trippingly off the tongue, but involves high priced lawyers, and some doctors as well. Gets us to thinking of forcible and statutory, of consensual and enticing, because all rape or incest is not the same, and the topic means different things to people, based on their personal knowledge and experience.

The baby is not at fault in any way, in the he said/she said dispute, but the baby will suffer by being unwanted, if indeed the baby is allowed to live.

The parents will suffer by having their lives disrupted by the unwanted baby. Oops! Maybe shouldn't have done that!

Allowing abortion in case of rape/incest provides a loop-hole for anyone who has decided against having the baby; not even to offer for adoption.

The lawyers and doctors may have a hay-day! The Rapist may actually serve jail time, or be let off the hook to do it again!

King David had a son who raped his own sister, 2Sam13, so this crime has been around for a long time, and always with contention. Amnon had raped Tamar in despicable manner, followed by his own execution at the hands of his brother Absalom, in a manner suggestive of Italian Mafia Style. In years past it led to 'shotgun weddings' when the father of the girl collared the boyfriend after it was discovered she was pregnant.

Even before that, in Gen34, it happened to the sister of the twelve sons of Jacob, and possibly could have been settled amicably (when the boy wanted to marry her), except that two of her brothers were outraged and so bent on avenging their sister that they murdered an entire town!

Now that the Bible has been excluded from our schools and government, this present generation has faith only for Society and their own ability to see them through difficult times. We have all sorts of 'Religious Institutions', and a few who still follow the Scripture, but unless the coming generation is somehow given the Truth of God's Word, it will all be going up in smoke, very shortly. 2Pet3:10.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

From Peter to Paul

The Book of Acts begins with Peter as the chief spokesman of the twelve, but his authority diminishes gradually as the Apostle Paul takes over. As John the Baptist said about Jesus: "He must increase, but I must decrease". The Old Testament precept from 2Sam3:1,10, spoke of how the House of David was increasing, but the House of Saul was declining. Note the pattern of Peter/Paul.

Contrast and compare Peter with Paul: (Book of Acts)

1. Peter was freed from jail by an angel: 12:6. For Paul it was an earthquake: 16:25.

2. Notable healing by Peter was lame man of 3:2. For Paul it was the cripple of 14:9.

3. Peter raised Tabitha from dead: 9:36. For Paul it was Eutychus: 20:9

4. Compare the "shadow of Peter", 5:15, with the "handkerchief of Paul", 19:12.

5. Peter was special minister to the Jews. Paul to the Gentiles. Galatians 2:7.

6. Peter denied Jesus three times. Mk14:30. God denied Paul thrice. 2Cor12:8.

7. Paul ministered to Aquila & Priscilla: Acts18:2. Peter 'ministered' to Ananias & fits the pattern of "first the male, and then the female", Acts5 -- "3 hours later".

8. Peter was sent to Cornelius (first Gentile). 10:45. Paul went to Rome: 28:28. (not Peter!)

9. Paul wrote "be ye no more children", Eph4:14. Peter wrote "as obedient children.." 1Pet1:14.

10. Count their speeches: Peter has seven, and Paul has eight. Or thereabouts.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Wives for Benjamin

Wouldn't it be great if we were given the sense to understand?

Nehemiah 8:8 So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading. 8:12 And all the people went their way to eat, and to drink, and to send portions, and to make great mirth, because they had understood the words that were declared unto them.

The curious story in the final chapters of Judges finds all of the other tribes united in battle against Benjamin who has protected the homosexuals, until it develops that the women of Benjamin are so decimated that the other tribes have an unexplained change of heart and now seem bent on finding wives for the remaining men. Read this story keeping in mind that the Holy Spirit has been sent by the Lord to find "wives" for Him, and that the wedding banquet may be next on the agenda.

Judg21:6 And the children of Israel repented them for Benjamin their brother, and said, There is one tribe cut off from Israel this day. Judg21:7 How shall we do for wives for them that remain, seeing we have sworn by the LORD that we will not give them of our daughters to wives?

Benjamin's name means "Son of the Right Hand", Gen35:18, so he's clearly a type of the One who's now seated at the right hand of the Father. The Jews reportedly saw the humor in the 700 left-handed men of the Tribe of Benjamin, without questioning why Joseph would label his baby brother a thief by planting his silver cup in Benjamin's sack. Gen44:2.

We couldn't make the connection until we read the account about Jesus saying "The cup my Father has given me, shall I not drink it?" Jn18:11. Benjamin in Egypt got an actual literal cup from his big brother (the Trinity doctrine plays a part here), but the true Son of the Right Hand was given a poetic or spiritual cup by his Heavenly Father.

It was Abraham who dispatched a servant to find a wife for Isaac, and located Rebekah in a remarkable way when she offered to water his camels. Gen24.

Isa61:10 "I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels".

God took a rib from Adam to provide him a wife, and ever since Pentacost the Holy Spirit has been here looking for wives for the Bridegroom. Perhaps he's 'ribbing us' to provide a wife for the Second Adam? You think?

Now guess who thinks they can re-define marriage? Not 'Oh My God' (OMG), but rather OMG Obama Must Go!