Ecclesiastes 8:11 KJV -- "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil".
A method to his madness? 7/30/11: The Norwegian fanatic, Breivik, apparently thought he was attacking supporters of the Muslim agenda -- sounds a bit strange the way its being reported, I think. Seems to me that the shooters; Ft. Hood shooter and the Tucson shooter and the bombers (shoe to underwear or whatever) ought to be staked out on an anthill to await the Government 'suspicions' (or would it be more politically correct to say 'allegations'?) Could we find two witnesses to attest the facts, based on their witness testimony, and let justice be done speedily?
As a taxpayer, I object to these cases that fight the clock with their arguments concerning insanity or miranda rights, and I believe the interminable handling simply encourages further copycats.
Maybe Legal Reform should rank right up there with Immigration.. hmm?
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