Genesis and Revelation are the BOOKENDS of the Bible!
See over thirty comparisons between them at http://www.cswnet.com/~duxrow/Revelation.htm
and judge for yourself.
The 39 books of the Old Testament (mostly in Hebrew),
and the 27 books of the New Testament (mostly Greek) testify to
the "Via, Verita, and Vita" (the Way, the Truth, the Life), John14:6.
The Hebrew alphabet had only 22 letters: from the aleph to the tav would compare to our English alphabet of 26 letters from the a to the z, and to the Greek alphabet of 24 letters from the alpha to the omega. (Jesus said he was the Alpha & Omega -- said it twice in the Book of Revelation).
We find several places in the Psalms where the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet are used successively; most noticeably in the 119 Psalm where every 8th verse begins a successive letter (22x8), or 176 verses -- the longest Psalm. (shortest is Ps117).
Another source of 'acrostic' (the Heb alphabet use..) are the 5 chapters in the Book of Lamentations; where the middle chapter 3 is a TRIPLE ACROSTIC of 66 verses, surrounded by the 22 verses of chapters 1,2,4,5, (chapt. 5 has 22 verses, but is NOT in the acrostic style).
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