Wednesday, July 20, 2011

No more Mr. Nice Guy!

Ecclesiastes 8:11 KJV -- "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil".

A method to his madness? 7/30/11: The Norwegian fanatic, Breivik, apparently thought he was attacking supporters of the Muslim agenda -- sounds a bit strange the way its being reported, I think.

Seems to me that the shooters; Ft. Hood shooter and the Tucson shooter and the bombers (shoe to underwear or whatever) ought to be staked out on an anthill to await the Government 'suspicions' (or would it be more politically correct to say 'allegations'?) Could we find two witnesses to attest the facts, based on their witness testimony, and let justice be done speedily?

As a taxpayer, I object to these cases that fight the clock with their arguments concerning insanity or miranda rights, and I believe the interminable handling simply encourages further copycats.
Maybe Legal Reform should rank right up there with Immigration.. hmm?


Monday, July 18, 2011

Buttermilk, anyone?

When Job (19:20) tells about 'escaping by the skin of his teeth', it isn't hard to translate that as a narrow escape, and to see that hyperbole and malapropism are both components of the figure.

More difficult is his 'continuing parable' in 29:6, "When I washed my steps with butter, and the rock poured me out rivers of oil". It would be a slippery and smelly mistake to think real butter for washing the steps of the front porch; but when we learn of the "steps of a righteous man", who takes steps to remedy a situation; and the contrast between mother's milk and father's milk, then the true light begins to shine. Amen?

As we churn the spiritual milk by mulling it over in our mind, it turns to butter, and brings our steps into harmony with God. Not everyone's, naturally; some people just get sour milk.. hmm?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Galatians 4:24 speaks specifically about the TWO (2 in particular) COVENANTS.

2Cor3:7 refers to the Old Testament as one "of death", and Hebrews 8:6 informs us that we have "a better covenant...established upon better promises".

The New Covenant should come as no surprise, because Jeremiah 31:31 speaks of it plainly. Too bad that various teaching on 'several' covenants has blurred our understanding concerning these special two.

Hindsight! Students will ask "What about the Abraham Covenant?", which they believe began in the Genesis Period, but that was only "by Promise" and eventually initiated by Moses in Exodus 19 and taught by Paul in Hebrews 9:19.

BTW, have you noticed how the Twins of Judah and Tamar (out of wedlock, Gen38) have such different outcomes? The firstborn (red threaded) Zerah leads to the thief at Jericho, Josh7:1, and the second "Pharez" is included in the pedigree of Jesus. Ruth4:18.

"But the children of Israel committed a trespass in the accursed thing: for Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took of the accursed thing: and the anger of the LORD was kindled against the children of Israel." Josh7:1 KJV

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Genesis and Revelation are the BOOKENDS of the Bible!

See over thirty comparisons between them at
and judge for yourself.

The 39 books of the Old Testament (mostly in Hebrew),
and the 27 books of the New Testament (mostly Greek) testify to
the "Via, Verita, and Vita" (the Way, the Truth, the Life), John14:6.

The Hebrew alphabet had only 22 letters: from the aleph to the tav would compare to our English alphabet of 26 letters from the a to the z, and to the Greek alphabet of 24 letters from the alpha to the omega. (Jesus said he was the Alpha & Omega -- said it twice in the Book of Revelation).

We find several places in the Psalms where the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet are used successively; most noticeably in the 119 Psalm where every 8th verse begins a successive letter (22x8), or 176 verses -- the longest Psalm. (shortest is Ps117).

Another source of 'acrostic' (the Heb alphabet use..) are the 5 chapters in the Book of Lamentations; where the middle chapter 3 is a TRIPLE ACROSTIC of 66 verses, surrounded by the 22 verses of chapters 1,2,4,5, (chapt. 5 has 22 verses, but is NOT in the acrostic style).

Monday, July 4, 2011


Are you filled with Mirth?

So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading. Nehemiah 8:8.

And Nehemiah.. and Ezra the priest the scribe, and the Levites that taught the people, said unto all the people, This day is holy unto the LORD your God; mourn not, nor weep. For all the people wept, when they heard the words of the law...

8:12 And all the people went their way to eat, and to drink, and to send portions, and to make great mirth, because they had understood the words that were declared unto them. LOL!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Has everyone had a good laugh from reading the Bible? I mean except for the time when the Pharaoh in Egypt wanted to spend just one more nite with the frogs.. :-)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Devil You Say!


Strange wives and gods now fill the land
with language and customs we don't understand.

Because our Religion was only veneer
we've suffered the infidels from far and near.

Allowing them freedom to keep their own Ways;
To bite off the hand till the end of their days.

To bring in more like them--to multiply much
To flout all our rules and churches and such.

Dividing to conquer and making much fun
of the Word that we swear on, which now is undone!

The majority rule by the Father's that founded
is now taken over by the ungodly abounded.

Too late now for many -- the harm has been done...
Except the Lord hurries, the devil has won !

Friday, July 1, 2011

Teachers Lament..

by Bob Smith of Foreman AR

So many things they have to learn,
So precious is the time they burn..
We try to fill their questing minds
Instead of whipping their behinds.

To write their names and count the change;
On this the adults insist!
To cross the "T's" and dot the "i's"
The children, most all, will resist..

Now English, Math, and Chemistry
have been studied under duress..
Biology, Ethics, and History
instilled by what teachers profess..

The apron strings are loosed at last--
they've learned their P's and Q's
Since life is not just nuts and bolts
They'll return to share their views..

The time has come to leave the nest,
To try on Life and meet the Test..
To show they're made of sterner stuff
Who'll overcome when the going's rough.

Now off they go into the world
that's filled with vice and sin.
Where liars, thieves, and wickedness
will lay it on their chin..

We know their honor can't be bought
If they learned the lesson that we taught..
There they go..against the foe
Armed with our loving advice..
Our hearts go too, with the special few
Who will name the name of Christ!


Didy Doll..

Didy Doll - Habbakuk 3:3 I made a doll from rags and straw that looked a lot like me..
I breathed the breath of Life in her, and then I set her free.
"Who are you?", she asked me, and "What am I to you?"
She had so many questions I was really in a stew.

She didn't know -- How could she? So I patiently explained,
She asked me where I came from, and I told her Brunswick, Maine.

She was doing lots of thinking, and I didn't want her drinking
'Cause changing diapers wasn't on my mind...
She didn't know from eating, so my answers were deleting of
delicious ways the body could be dined.

She only knew from talking -- very little about walking,
To speak of sex would not make sense to her...
It wouldn't be aberrant, 'cause she didn't know from parent...
I began to be quite sorry I'd created such a stir.

She didn't know -- How could she? So I patiently explained,
She asked me where I came from, and I told her Brunswick, Maine.
"Where is that?" she asked me, knowing nothing of our land,
I'd have to start at The Beginning, to make her understand.

Sincere and earnest people will ask "Where did God come from?" The flip answer is from Habakkuk 3:3 -- He came from Teman, of course. Hardly the answer they were looking for...

The Jewish culture forbade questions prior to a certain age, and we do well to listen attentively to a subject before asking questions.

It's more profitable to begin with easier questions, like "Where did Melchisedec come from?" What did he do with the tithes he received from Abraham, and where were the persons he ministered to? How large was his congregation? Was the bread & wine he served a type or precept of N.T. Communion?

I've found it helpful to compare Melchizedek to the man with the drawn sword who appeared to Joshua, and to the man who wrestled Jacob, and to the 4th man in the fiery furnace. Mysterious figures in the Old Testament (theophanies or epiphanies) who teach precepts of the diversity of Jesus: Lamb, Bread, Vine, Light, Door, Seed, Word, etc. 1 Corinthians 10:4 tells us "that Rock was Christ".


Sending all the world a message, everywhere you cruise,
About your special interest in issues making news.
Telling them in words succinct, your preferences and likes,
Bumpergram graffiti on the trucks and cars and bikes.

They don't all bear repeating, but some are pretty cute..
"God loves you, and I'm trying..", I think is just a beaut.
"I'd rather be surfing", or fishing or courting, and
"My other car is a Rolls", "My I.Q. test was negative",
says one, while others promote life's little goals.

Warning of how certain guns are such a deadly menace, and
Work is for the ones who never learned the game of tennis.
Advertising pretty [hot] places where infidels should go...
Telling those who love to ski, they simply must "Think Snow".

"Keep honking, I'm reloading", "Don't follow me--I'm lost",
The bumper banners often speak of modern Pentecost..
From Key West to Seattle taste these Interstate delights...
Everybody's views proclaiming First Amendment rights!