Sunday, May 27, 2012

Religion Update

1. The news report about the Earthquake that happened when Jesus was crucified, is strictly garbage IMO. They're trying to clinch the debate over which day it occurred, and claiming the Bible says "Friday" in all four gospels. Bunk!

None of our days of the week are named anywhere in the Bible. Neither does the article say anything about the High Sabbath which occurs the day after Passover, and supports a Wednesday crucifixion that allows for 3 Days and 3 Nights in the sepulchre.

2. I was listening to Ed Young TV broadcast from Houston, and he was focused on the Apostle Thomas failing to 'see the light'. Usually I like the things Ed says, but this time I'm on Thomas' side -- I'm not willing to take anyone else's word for anything as important as eternal life! Even if Grandma says so, it pays to check it out for yourself, and now that the 66 Books of the Bible are complete (with the book-ends of Alpha and Omega, or Genesis and Revelation) we'll have no one to blame but ourselves if we follow after the wrong god.

2Tim1:12 For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

3. Have you heard about Chrislam? Neither had I until this Sun. morning on the Jack Van Impe show, when he was telling about the Wycliff Bible translators apparently abandoning Christianity in favor of a mix between Islam and Christianity; even proclaiming the name 'Allah' as the name of God. Evidentally the Muslims have infiltrated the Wycliff organization with their 'brotherhood' false doctrine. What a shame, but I trust the faithful "In Him" will stay true to the gospel of Galatians 1:8, as Paul wrote.
Fooey on that moroni(c) baloney, no matter which angel brings it forth.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

King Solomon

King David had wanted to build a house for God, but wasn't permitted because he had been a warring man. 1Chr22. However, he did make preparations by assembling the materials for use by his son Solomon who would be given rest from fighting his enemies.

King Solomon (also named Jedidiah in 2Sam12:25) was widely known for his wealth and wisdom and 700 wives and 300 concubines -- so many women we greatly question his kind of wisdom. Instead of many children, as we would expect, only one son (Rehoboam), and two daughters, 1K4:11,15, according to scripture. The name 'Jedidiah' in Hebrew, corresponds to the name 'Theophilus' in Greek; used twice in the New Testament by Luke the physician.

Seen as an allegory, Solomon is representing our incredibly diversified wise GOD and multiple bridegroom, with the ONE special Son! Just as David stored the materials for building that Special Temple; so We have God's Word to provide for building our own personal temple. And, just as Solomon initially followed the Lord, but later became unfaithful, so our own nation began with "In God We Trust", but now has turned towards paganism or many gods.

The Lord had told David: "Behold, a son shall be born to thee, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from all his enemies round about: for his name shall be Solomon, and I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in his days. He shall build a house for my name; and he shall be my son, and I will be his father ; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever." 1Chr22:9,10.

Curiously (seems to me), Solomon later "did evil', worshipping other gods and marrying many women,and that 12 Tribe Kingdom divided into a 10/2 split after his only son, Rehoboam, began to reign. 1Kings11.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bread for 'The Body'

1. In Genesis, it was Joseph who “gathered corn as the sand of the sea”, Gen41:49, to supply bread for those desperate due to the famine.

2. Then, the Manna came from heaven (means: what is it?), and they wondered what it was and what to do with it.

3. Now Jesus ‘the Living Bread’ has come, and now Paul writes that we are “one bread”, 1Cor10:17, so…. If we anticipate rising to meet Him in the air: “Christ within you”, Col 1:27, is the new (hidden) leaven, Matt13:33, that will make it happen!!

The word ‘cornbread’ is never used, and many of us know it as a flat bread sometimes called ‘johnny-cake’. The “bread of affliction”, Isa30:20, wouldn’t taste nearly as good. Bread and meat in the KJV usually connotes a figure of speech for food.


Friday, May 11, 2012


The "walk", according to scripture, is a kind of spiritual adhesive for all the books of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

walk in INTEGRITY - Ps26:11 - walk UPRIGHTLY - Ps84:11 - walk in TRUTH - Ps86:11 - walk in LIGHT - Isa2:5 - walk in THE WAY - Isa30:21 - walk after the SPIRIT - Rom8:4 - walk HONESTLY - Rom13:13 - walk by FAITH - 2Cor5:7 - walk in the SPIRIT - Gal 5:25 - walk WORTHY - Eph4:1 - walk in LOVE - Eph5:2 - walk in WISDOM - Col 4:5 - walk in the LIGHT - 1Jn1:7 - walk in WHITE - Rev3:4

Enoch and Noah "walked with God"; ..Isaiah "walked naked and barefoot", and Jacob's WALK would surely have been changed after he wrestled the 'angel' (epiphany or precept, Hos12:4) and had his thighbone 'touched'. But, of course those were the times before the scripture was completed, and Isaiah wouldn't have known to put on the spiritual armor or shoes of the preparation of the gospel. Eph6:17.

If you've made bad decisions in the past and are suffering the consequences, the secularists will say "you made your bed and you'll have to lie in it". Bible scholars will say "the way of the transgressor is hard", but Jesus says: "Take up your bed and WALK", Jn5:8. You CAN become a new creature in Christ Jesus!

"For we walk by faith, not by sight", 2Cor5:7

The ultimate walk, of course, is when Jesus walked on water! Having your feet washed by Jesus, and Walking on the water of The Word is what we all need to do!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Are you dressed to go to heaven? Are you wearing shoes to match?
Have you thought about what happens if the bride's bouquet you catch?
You'll have to kill the "old man" with the wicked heart of sin..
And let the story of the Christ bring out the hidden man within.

Not many know about the unique Joseph coat,
With many different colors worthy of our note...
His father made it for him, this garment highly prized,
And then his brothers tore it, so we'd begin to realize...

The garment God gave Jesus was a body "dipped in blood",
So the wicked acts of Satan would be surely "nipped in bud".
Any whosoever now, regardless of their race..
Can wear a Robe of Righteousness if they'll fall upon their face.

Are you dressed to go to heaven? Is the Garment of Praise a fit?
Warriors wear the Armor of God, and a smile that will not quit.
Some say you'll go there naked, just the way you came to earth...
But when I get that picture, I know why heaven's filled with mirth!

The Parable of how The Sower Sows the Seed is found in Mark 4, Luke8, and Matthew 13 -- each book having details not used by the others, so that it requires reading of all four gospels to learn about "the rest of the story", as Paul Harvey used to say..

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit". John 12:24.
DO YOU SEE IT? Jesus IS the SEED -- He HAS been planted (in the womb and in the tomb..) so that His Children ("Now are we the Sons..1Pet3:2) can be Trees of Righteousness, Isa61:3, when we Eat The WORD and learn who we are In Christ.

Jesus is the Light, the Bread, the Vine, the Word, and the Incorruptible SEED, 1Pet1:23. Because GOD is a husbandman who plants things like Garden of Eden, and expects to reap a harvest as we learn in the Book of Revelation. Amen?